Cinci Hoca

Cinci Hoca (literally hodca of elf) is the epithet of Karabaşzade Hüseyin Efendi, a 17th century Ottoman spiritualist whose influence on the sultan caused many problems in the empire.



He was born in Safranbolu (in modern province of Karabük, Turkey). According to Joseph von Hammer[1], he was a descendant of Sadrettin Konevi, a 13th century sufi. But unlike his famous anchestor, he made a name as a witch doctor and, valide sultan (mother sultan) Kösem invited him to palace to cure the unbalanced sultan İbrahim. In 1643, İbrahim appointed Cinci as the kadı of Galata and in 1644 as the kazasker of Anatolia (Turkish: Anadolu kazaskeri) [2][3] an appointment which caused a great reaction among the ulama.


Cinci used his increasing power to increase his wealth by accepting bribes. He was instrumental in executing the able grand vizier Kemankeş Mustafa Pasha in 1644. Seeing the end of his predecessor, the new grand vizier Sultanzade Mehmet Pasha became a very ineffective statesman. [4]


When İbrahim was dethroned in 1648, the new grand vizier Sofu Mehmet Pasha faced the problem of bonus sallaries (Turkish: culus bahşişi), the traditional sallary paid to soldiers upon the entroronment of the new sultan. He confiscated Cinci's earnings and expulsed Cinci to Damascus (now in Syria). But during his travel, Cinci fell ill in Mihalcık (now Karacabey in Bursa Province, Turkey). While staying in Mihalcık, he criticised the grand vizier and consequently he was executed. [1]


  1. ^ a b Joseph von Hammer:Osmanlı Tarihi cilt II (condensation: Abdülkadir Karahan), Milliyet yayınları, İstanbul. pp. 231-241
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  4. ^ Ayhan Buz:Osmanlı Sadrazamları, Neden Kitap, İstanbul, 2009, ISBN978-975-254-278-5, p.100